Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Books and fun

We read " Panda' Easter basket" by Tara Jaye Morrow. R love dthis especially because even he like Panda experience tummy pain after reading lots of candy and "Clifford's First Easter"

We also made easter egg treat from Rice Krispies.We had fun in Easter egg hunting in our community and also at school. I had written several note sinsode R's eggs and the best one which he liked was " Remember that candies and soda are junk food".

R and I also played egg scavenger hunt game at home on Easter and R played very nicely with no tantrums and meltdowns. It was fun.

We also played the Egg sound matching game. I ad filled two eggs with similar things like rice, beans, pasta and coins. R had fun with this.

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