Monday, December 13, 2010

Gingerbread Theme

We read "Gingerbread Man" by Eric A. Kimmel and "Gingerbread Baby" by Jan Brett.

Gingerbread Man Dough - I mixed the equal quantities of cinnamon powder and applesauce, in fact  abit more of cinnamon and we made a dough. R cut several gingerbread man and baby from the different sizes of cookie cutters. We decorated them with buttons, googly eyes, sequins and bows and icing shapes cut from foam. it was lot of fun.


Gingerbread Pattern - I had some gingerbread man and other pattern stickers from Dollar Store. SO we used the stickers to make the patterns. So proud of R for this. He just did all by himself !!

Size Sequencing - I got the print from HomeSchool Creations.

Gingerbread Book - I got the print from online and we had fun making this book where R had to cut one leg, then the other leg, one arm and so on !!

Gingerbread Roll n Stamp - I got the idea from Pre-K pages. I made the game board on a piece of paer by drawing the outline of the gingerbread man and wrote the numbers 1-6 in randome order inside. We had fun playing this game.

Gingerbread puzzle- This is again from HomeSchool Creations.

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