Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Community Helper - Doctors

We read many books on doctors and these are some of our favorites:-

Doctor Meow's Big Emergency by Sam Lloyd

How do dinosaurs get well soon? by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague
Just little sick by Mercer Mayer

When Vera was sick by Vera Rosenberry


1. I showed R various things that are in a doctor's bag and made a small craft  of all the things like cotton swab, band aid,thermometer, syringe, gauze and medicine bottle.

2. I also made a powerpoint presentation of all the vocabulary words by downloading the pictures from the Internet. R really enjoyed this.

3. There are lots of activities at 2 Teaching Mommies.  We tried measuring the patients' height using a ruler. It was nice learning experience of R . We had never measured uisng a ruler so it was fun.

4. I also downloaded the Doctors and Nurses preschool pack from Homeschool Creations in addition to the above.  We played the game of counting and placing that many number of band aids.

5. Tracing and letter M writing practice- I got this page from the Doctor and Nurse preschool pack from Homeschool Creations.

6. Tracing and writing color words - This is again from Homeschool Creations
7. Sorting the medicine bottles by size-

Since Febrauary was Dental Health month, we read some books on Dental health  and did some activities.
The books we read were

Dentist by Jacqueline Laks Gorman
The mystery of the lost tooth


1. I got this idea from 2 Teaching Mommies. I had cut several food items form the old magazines and then made pictures of a happy tooth and sad tooth. R had to sort the food items that are good for our teeth and which are not.

2. I had cut lips from red construction paper and some yeloow teeth from yeloow construction paper. R pasted them on a sheet and made the teeth by brushing the teeth with some white paint and a toothbrush.

3. We also did a activity from prekinders.com about the teeth and cavities. I drew some teeth on paper and wrote a number on the tooth, and asked R to make that many number of cavities by a black marker. He really enjoyed doing this and was good to teach him how cavities can effect our teeth.

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